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Where shall I begin? I’m a former Purchasing Executive. But things weren’t always all business.

I had been involved in theatre while in high school (not bragging, but Best Actor 1976), and also in college (minor at UMB), where I had first become interested in lighting. Thinking that I may not make much money, I refocused my energy into the field of Management.

I have had the opportunity to travel the world. I have been on the Great Wall of China 6 times. While I did enjoy traveling, I had nothing to show for it! It was just before moving to Singapore as an ex-pat that photography came into my life.

In 2012, my daughter needed a new camera for college. So like any good dad, I bought her one. Also being a lucky dad, I got her hand-me-down. Thus began my new adventure. I started shooting Crossfit competitions and landscapes, and upgraded my equipment as I got better. So why headshots? Why people?


Singapore turned out to be a nice launch pad to visit other parts of Asia for short vacations. It was on a trip to Cambodia where I met up with a Dutch photographer to see the sites. I mentioned that I wanted to see the non-touristy spots, get away from the crowds and see how people worked and lived.

As beautiful as the environment was, what impressed me most was the people.  To my surprise, I ended up photographing people. Lots and lots of people. The human face was interesting to me. How we emote as individuals, and the impression one gets in a split second of that interaction was fascinating.

We returned home to the Boston area in late 2014.

In 2015, I had a growing desire once again to learn about lighting the face, and searched the internet for something in that field. That’s when I met Peter Hurley, and attended his Headshot Intensive workshop in NYC. Through that network I’ve met and learned from many photographers across the globe.

That’s when the desire to return to my artistic roots came into play, and when I decided to begin a second career that was distinctly different from the first. I have been very fortunate to make a decent living as an executive. Headshot photography and branded portraiture fulfill my passion for the arts, as well as focusing my instincts as a business man.

I’ve come full circle - visual arts to business and back to visual arts, and I've brought these skills together for you, my client, to deliver the best photo of you that you have ever had.
